If you need to cancel your registration, please contact the LTAP office.

If you are sick or not feeling well, or if you have any reason to believe you have been exposed to the coronavirus: please DO NOT show up at the training site, and DO NOT attend the session. Any registrant requiring a reasonable accommodation during training (i.e., mobility or access) should contact Ohio LTAP prior to the course date so the appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work zone traffic control registration#
The registration fee is $66 per person for government employees and $165 for non-government employees. Work Zone Traffic Control for Construction addresses OSHA best practices for work zone traffic management to help employees and employers maintain a safe. Registrations are processed in the order they are submitted online, while seats are still available. Registration Information – This course offering through LTAP is intended primarily for local agency personnel (county, city, village and township). Regulatory speed limits in temporary traffic-control zones and in the area in advance of a work zone where traffic queues are anticipated may be established as follows: (1) A regulatory speed limit up to 10 miles per hour below the normal speed limit may be established without an engineering and traffic. His background includes over 22 years of experience in Traffic Engineering at the State and local level including the review of construction plans for Work Zone traffic control design and compliance with the OMUTCD. Instructor – The instructor will be Raymond Brushart, Program Manager for Ohio LTAP. Who Should Attend? – This workshop will be of interest to roadway maintenance workers, supervisors, engineers, and others responsible for work zones on local roadways. Rural and urban applications for local roadway systems will be emphasized.
Work zone traffic control manual#
Reference will be made to Part 6 of the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD). Our goal is an injury-free work zone where workers and travelers feel safe and protected from the. AWPs temporary traffic control measures help ensure work zone traffic safety of both motorists and workers in construction and maintenance work zones.

The discussion will address the use of advance warning signs, traffic control devices such as cones/drums/barricades, and flagging procedures. Work Zone Traffic Control, LLC accepts the responsibility of providing tools and safety training to our employees, ensuring the safety of each of our team members, fellow construction workers, our customers, and the traveling public at all times. Description – This workshop is intended to review the basic elements and typical applications of roadway work zones for temporary traffic control.